Rev. Verdell Mack, Rev. Ronnelle Brunswick
Sis. Catherine Wells, Sis. Normel Batson
Sis. Diane Redmond, Sis. Sharranda Baker
Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin
Sis. Dorothy Eaton Jones, Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin
Sis. Joann Leach, Rev. Ronnelle Brunswick
Sis. Shelia Aiken, Sis. Joanne Slade
Sis. Deloris Finerson, Sis. Betty Crawford
Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin
Constitution and By-Laws
Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin, Sis. Diane Deans
Sis. Shelia Aiken, Sis. Betty Crawford, Sis. Lynette Cockfield
Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin, Rev. Ronnelle Thomas Brunswick
Educational Hour
Elder Dora Smith, Dean, Rev. Ronnelle Brunswick
Rev. Regina Hoist
Historian Committee
Sis. Jackie Wilson
International Obligation
Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin, Sis. Gina Henderson
Johnson/Jarvis Scholarship
Rev. Regina Hoist, Sis. Sarah Howard
Sis. Catherine Wells, Sis. Lois Simpson Delk
Sis. Lois Delk, Sis. Normel Batson
Sis. Diane Redmond, Rev. Verdell Mack
Rev. Edna B. Craig, Sis. Nora Wheelous
Sis. Jean Washington, All Local Units
Sis. Dorothy Eaton Jones, Re. Ronnelle Brunswick
Sis. Marie Ratliff, Sis. Lillie Tanks Martin
Nominating Committee
Rev. Hazel Thomas, Min. Anna Carter Smith
Sis. Shirley Brunswick, Former Presidents
Outreach Mission
Rev. Larnie Mobley
Sis. Cecelia E. Howard
Telephone Ministry
Sis. Cecelia Howard
Time and Place
Ways and Means
Sis. Sheila Aiken, Sis. Normel Batson
Rev. Verdell Mack, Sis. Lois Delk
Min. Gwen Tynes
Sis. Laura Good Smith, Rev. Wilhelmina Grant
Sis. Sarah Howard