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Local Chapter

Chapter Near You

Contact President Lillie Tanks Martin by email at for further information on a local chapter of MWMW nearest to you.

African Methodist Episcopal MWMW Alliance                                                                                                        Vacant

Baptist Ministers Wives and Widows of Greater NY and Vicinity                                                  Mrs. Lois Delk

Buffalo & Western New York Association MWMW                                                                                                Vacant

Interdenominational Association MWMW                                                                                    Mrs. Normel Batson

Nassau County Association of MWMW                                                                                         Mrs. Diane Redmond

Pentecostal Association of MWMW                                                                                                                              Vacant

Church of God in Christ MWMW                                                                                                                                      Vacant

Hudson Valley Interdenominational of MWMW                                                                 Mrs. Vivian Love Jones

Tri-County Interdenominational of MWMW                                                                                                            Vacant

Interdenominational MWMW of Suffolk County                                                                                                   Vacant

Interdenominational MWMW of Staten Island                                                                                                      Vacant

Interdenominational MWMW of Albany                                                                                                                    Vacant

Interdenominational MWMW of New York and Vicinity                                                           Rev. Verdell Mack

Interdenominational MWMW of Syracuse

The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian. But the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different kind of woman.


For those seeking to become a member of the MWMW of NYS and if there are no local chapters listed in your area, we encourage you to contact President, Lillie Tanks Martin



Phone: (347) 346-0919

New York State Association of Ministers' Wives and Ministers' Widows, Inc.


Theme: “Rebuilding Bridges Locally, State, Regional, International”
Scripture: “Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, Be of one mind and Live in Peace”
2 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)


© 2022 by NYSAMWMW 

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