Local Chapter
Chapter Near You
Contact President Lillie Tanks Martin by email at ltanks@msn.com for further information on a local chapter of MWMW nearest to you.

African Methodist Episcopal MWMW Alliance Vacant
Baptist Ministers Wives and Widows of Greater NY and Vicinity Mrs. Lois Delk
Buffalo & Western New York Association MWMW Vacant
Interdenominational Association MWMW Mrs. Normel Batson
Nassau County Association of MWMW Mrs. Diane Redmond
Pentecostal Association of MWMW Vacant
Church of God in Christ MWMW Vacant
Hudson Valley Interdenominational of MWMW Mrs. Vivian Love Jones
Tri-County Interdenominational of MWMW Vacant
Interdenominational MWMW of Suffolk County Vacant
Interdenominational MWMW of Staten Island Vacant
Interdenominational MWMW of Albany Vacant
Interdenominational MWMW of New York and Vicinity Rev. Verdell Mack
Interdenominational MWMW of Syracuse